I've always had my makeup professionally done, but I finally decided that it was time I learned to do my own. It was also time I went out into the real world, i.e. to a Mall, so I scheduled a lesson with Rocky and planned to go to a movie afterwards. I learned a bit about colors, foundation, and eyes. I didn't have any makeup at all so Rocky gave me the name of a friend of his, Susan, that sold makeup. The plan was to contact her and meet with her the next time I had an appointment. Great!! I was on my way.
I then headed for the Mall intending to go to the 7PM movie and then out on the town. It was Saturday night and no stores would be open so I couldn't do any shopping in femm mode. It would also be the first time out in the daylight. After arriving at the mall, I tried to go into the parking lot via the normal entrance, but it was closed. I wasn't the only one as about a half a dozen cars had to turn around at the loading dock. I didn't remember that entrance being closed at 6:30PM. Anyway, I backed out and tried to go in another entrance. A bunch of us went around the entire Mall, twice. Not a single entrance was open. Also, there didn't even seem to be any cars in our normal parking lot. Strange… Anyway, if they shut the entire Mall to keep me out of the Movie Theater, then tough - I won't go. By then I had lost my nerve to go out so I went back to the apartment and engaged in the exciting pastime of reading.
After finishing the book, I tried practicing my makeup techniques.
Then, it was to go or not to go (out on the town that is). After such a stimulating evening, I decided to stay home and go to bed. It just goes to prove that some outings can really be a bust.