Casino Royale

Wanda had the opportunity to get out again! My outfit...

The plan was to meet Ina at Countessa's Closet and then go out for a light dinner. Countessa informed me of my fashion fauxpas. It seems that white white is only acceptable in the summertime; you're supposed to wear off white in the winter. Isn't it always summertime in Southern California? Anyway Ina and I went to the Japanese restaurant next door. They had wonderful Sashimi; almost as good as I got in Japan. Afterwards it was off to Encounters to see Ginger and Lana.

The next night I had wanted to go and see the new James Bond movie. What better way to see it than as Wanda? So I put on a Christmas skirt and went to the movies in Pasadena.

Outside the theater they had some neat looking decorations. Couldn't resist a few pictures.

After I got home I tried on another outfit that I had purchased to wear rollerskating. I had better get some sheer to waist pantyhose for this outfit!
